

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Am I eligible to apply for funding from Matana?

Matana can only make grants to organisations that hold the following ATO endorsements:

  • Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR)  – Item 1
  • Tax Concession Charity (TCC)

Evidence of endorsements is required at the point of application.  If your organisation does not have Item 1 DGR and TCC status, unfortunately we will not be able to consider your application.

The Matana Foundation will not consider applications that request funding for:

  • Operating costs including salaries and administration costs, unless such costs are part of an otherwise eligible project
  • Capital and building expenditure, including equipment, vehicles, travel, furniture, books and conferences, unless such costs are part of an otherwise eligible project
  • Retrospective funding or budget deficits
  • Fundraising events and campaigns
  • Medical programs or research
  • Religious activities, where the applicant project involves religious instruction.

The Matana Foundation will not consider applications for funding from:

  • Individuals, state and federal government bodies
  • Organisations outside Australia.

2. What do you look for in a grantee?

We welcome applications from financially viable organisations which work to improve the lives and opportunities of disadvantaged young people, particularly where their core activities correlate with our funding priorities. Wherever possible, you will need to demonstrate the tangible impact of your organisation’s work in improving the welfare or wellbeing of disadvantaged young people.

3. How much can I apply for?

There is no minimum or maximum amount, but as a guide, grants are usually in the range of $1,000 to $10,000. However, assessment will be made on an individual basis. We also encourage grantseekers to apply to other sources to facilitate joint funding of projects.

4. When can I apply?

We do not have particular ‘funding rounds’. Grants may be sought at any time.

5. Can I apply for more than one year of funding?

In general, recurrent funding will not be available, however the foundation will assess applications for ongoing funding where all other criteria have been met.

6. How can I apply?

The Matana Foundation for Young People has a two-step application process:

1) A Preliminary Application is submitted. (More information can be found in the Apply For a Grant section)

2) An  applicant will be invited to submit a subsequent Detailed Application.

7. How will my application be assessed?

You will receive notification (by email, telephone or letter) of the outcome of your Preliminary Application. Some applicants will be invited to submit a Detailed Application, before a final assessment is considered. Applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their Detailed Application.

The Board’s decision on an application is final and not subject to review. Reasons why an application failed to be funded may or may not be given, and it is worth noting that funding constraints prevent us from supporting many worthy projects and organisations.

A decision not to fund a project does not reflect on the merits of the application or the value of the project.

Reporting and evaluation will neither positively nor adversely influence future grants and each application will be reviewed independently of the past performance of the grantseeker on an individual basis.

8. Is my application confidential?

The Foundation will endeavour to keep all information supplied with an application confidential. However, during the application process, applicants should be aware that any information provided may be passed on to third parties for professional for technical advice.

9. What happens if I’m successful?

Successful applicants will be required to formally accept the Foundation’s Grant Conditions, and a formal receipt is required after funding is provided.

10.  How often should I report back on the progress of my grant?

Organisations are asked to discuss reporting requirements with the Foundation. Recipients should submit regular reports on the expenditure of grants and must retain receipts to substantiate expenditure. At a minimum, a report should be provided no later than one year after funding is provided.

Where any funds remain unspent after a project period, organisations must notify the Foundation.

11. How can I acknowledge Matana’s funding?

Where organisations wish to acknowledge or publicise Matana’s funding via newsletters, websites etc, Matana requests that approval be sought before public release.

“The work is great, the time is short. We may not be able to complete the task but that does not excuse us from beginning” – Rabbi Zalman